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Mornington Peninsula Industry Performance

Mornington Peninsula Industry Performance

Here you will find research and insights examining the Mornington Peninsula tourism industry’s performance, from visitation and expenditure statistics to accommodation performance and economic measures.

Detailed visitation insights are issued by the Tourism, Events and Visitor Economy Research Unit.  

If you need assistance understanding the numbers for the Mornington Peninsula or Frankston + Surrounds please call Angela Cleland 5925 9346 or email

Visitation Insights


Domestic Visitation

The latest Tourism Visitation numbers for the period ending June 2024 have been released. These results cover visitor numbers, nights and spending across visitor purposes for Mornington Peninsula.  

To download the infographic, click here

To discover the latest Domestic Visitor Survey results for Victoria by spend, visitors and nights click here 


International Visitation

Discover the latest International Visitor Survey results for Victoria by spend, visitors and here 

Explore the International Data Dashboard via State of Victoria Tourism and Events by clicking here 

Explore the top Internation Markets interactive dashboad provided by the State of Victoria Tourism and Events by clicking here 

Tourism Australia also produce a range of international insights which you can access by clicking here 


Regional Visitation

Frankston City Council and Mornington Peninsula Shire boundaries make up the total visitation region known at the Mornington Peninsula for tourism purposes.  The region has been split into 5 sub-regions which have common visitation and spend patterns for attracting visitors for December 2023.



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VISIT MORNINGTON PENINSULA acknowledge's the Bunurong / BoonWurrung people, the Traditional Custodians of these lands and waters. We pay our deepest respect to Elders past, present and emerging.